Hey There Watchers, Runners, Wardens, Keepers of Secrets, et al!
Morgan here, I just wanted to jump on this brand new Patreon feed and say HELLO and thank you all sooooooo much for joining us on this new phase of our adventure. This show, this story and this community has been such a gift to all of us, so when we were faced with that fork in the road a couple months back… there was zero hesitation that we had to find a way to keep it going. And it’s been no small comfort that you all have IMMEDIATELY let us know that our instinct was correct. <3
We’ve got so many fun things in store. A lot of it will take shape in ways you’re familiar with (live shows, VODs, podcasts, etc.) but, as you can tell from some of the tiers, we’re also working on even more cool things for you all.ย
We’ll get into it even more in the coming days, but for now I just wanted to share a hearty THANK YOU and that we’re so excited!
Now for an extra special treat…
Since we did our “Dungeon Re-Run” last night of Episode 5, I thought I’d go back and show you some fun behind-the-scenes photos from the day we taped that episode! It really was a special one, for a few reasons.ย
First of all, as you’ll notice from the champagne on ice, that was the day we officially found out that Caffeine had approved the show to go longer than our originally planned 10 episodes. A LOT past 10 episodes, as it turned out haha.
There’s shots of our minis in the incredible imprisoned Storm Warden model, Arrabann being a total diva who doesn’t want to be touched, and a gorgeous shot of Ron’s braided hair! Funny story behind that last one, Lily says at a certain point during the episode that she’s braiding Uggo’s hair while riding on his back, so my wife Krystle texted me at intermission “CHAT WANTS YOU TO ACTUALLY BRAID RON’S HAIR!”ย
Needless to say, we happily obliged ๐
Love to you all, you’ll be hearing more from us very soon!
– Morgan and Team TDR