Dungeon Master
Jeff Cannata
Jeff is the Dungeon Master and creator of the world of Aïn, narrating our story, playing all of the memorable NPCs who live in it, and director all of the monstrous creatures and challenges that stand in the way of the Heroes of Bingle.
Working in the tech and entertainment field for over 25 years, Jeff is an actor and comedian who can be seen on The Mentalist, Scandal, Shameless, Rake, and Stalker, as well as family friendly shows such as Nickelodeon's Just for Kicks. His numerous national and regional commercials include products as varied as Coors Light, Dodge, Coldwell Banker, Disney, and Apple. Jeff has extensive stage and live comedy credits, performing and creating shows staged at Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater, Hollywood's IO West, Santa Monica's Westside Eclectic, and the LA Comedy Festival.
As co-creator and host of the wildly successful net talk show, The Totally Rad Show, Jeff has become a recognized web personality and an authority on movies, video games, television, and comics for the hundreds of thousands of fans who watch the show.
Currently, Jeff can be heard every week on the /Filmcast, a movie review and opinion show for the industry leading film blog, /Film, as creator and host of DLC, the video game industry talk show.

James Quillis
Morgan Peter Brown
Morgan is an actor/producer known for his work in TV shows like “Modern Family,” “New Girl” and “Schooled,” as well as films in the horror genre like “Absentia,” “Ouija” and “All The Creatures Were Stirring.” He’s a founding partner of FallBack Plan Productions and his producing credits include the recent SXSW standout “Jakob’s Wife.” And, of course, he plays the human warlock, “the funky librarian,” James Quillus on The Dungeon Run.

Uggo RageFist / TruthSeeker
Ron Ogden
Ron is a meat spaceship with many talents and a deep desire to someday polymorph into a Tardigrade. You can water-bear witness to his talents in films like “Alvin & The Chipmunks: Road Chip” and “Plus One,” television like “Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell” and “Homeland,” and rounded out with years of commercials, professional long-form improv, and musical theater. All of that talent is, of course, a mere drop in an ocean when compared to the skills of his castmates in “The Dungeon Run,” where Ron plays the orc Barbarian/Paladin Uggo Ragefist, the “lovable cautionary tale” who is determined to “SAVE FAMILY”!

Siv RedThistle
Jarred Kjack
Jarred is the voice you hear inside your head and on screen convincing you to buy stuff you probably don’t really need but secretly want. He can also be heard on video games like “Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Wasteland 3, Secret of Mana, and Dynasty Warriors 9.” Or if you prefer anime: “One Punch Man, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, or Detective Conan.” He’s notorious for writing bouts of original love poetry, as well as some, “sneaky-sneaky stabby-stabby,” as the ever charming and illustrious Catman Swashbuckler, Siv RedThistle on The Dungeon Run.

Fahima Tadhg
Jessica Lynn Parsons
Jessica Lynn Parsons is an actor and twitch streamer. You may have seen Jessica on CBS's S.W.A.T., and Scorpion, House of Lies, or in several feature films on Amazon Prime. She's starred in several national commercials recently, including Olive, and Warby Parker. In the geek and comedy universe, you may have seen her as Reckless Comedy's XBOX Girl, as a guest on HyperRPG, PixelCircus, and Maze Arcana, and most often seen co-hosting her Twitch channel, oheyjess.

Lily Dumblestuck
Katie Michels
Katie Michels, is a human woman living in sunny Los Angeles CA. Originally from Washington State she has appeared in numerous comedy festivals throughout the West Coast. On TV she can be seen on shows such as Portlandia, Grimm, Brooklyn 99, Jane the Virgin, and Bosch. She started The Dungeon Run as the new kid to D&D, but now confidently hands out bardic inspiration like it's candy. She has five brothers, a love for building houses, and an aversion to AM radio. Say hi on Instagram or Twitter!

Leah Finkelstein

Heather Stewart
Leah & Heather
Musicians Leah Finkelstein and Heather Stewart met at the Malibu Music Awards some years back, both winning awards for their individual songs, and ended up bonding over a glass of wine (or two). Leah and Heather collectively have released FIVE studio albums and have had songs featured in both film and television including the world's most watched drama, NCIS. They were also founding members of the musical comedy group, "The Boobé Sisters" which performed on comedy stages across the US and were featured on America's Got Talent and The Gong Show. They often play live together and quite naturally fell into becoming a composing team for television, film, and new media. They composed the themes to a number of series, including The Dungeon Run, where they are also the Music Supervisors and provide live sound cues. For more info go to